Ten minutes to go- the corridor alarm was set to ring its deafening sound- a crowd of anxious students waited outside the classroom, eager to barge in and finish the first paper of the final high school board examination before their quickly-crammed syllabus slipped out of memory. It was a much-awaited milestone- a ticket to a colorful college life- a new journey every student was eager to explore.

Amidst the hustle-bustle, Palak saw him for the first time. Mithilesh, dressed in formal shirt and crisp trousers, stood quietly in a corner, glancing at his watch absentmindedly. Palak was smitten by his fashion sense; suddenly, letting go of the pre-exam nervousness, she confidently walked up to Mithilesh and asked for classroom directions. So, was it just a momentary crush or a beginning of a beautiful love story?

Around the much-needed coffee breaks on long overnight study hours, a spark of love brewed between the two teenagers over quick phone calls. As high school sweethearts, Palak and Mithilesh, have developed the strongest bond of love and friendship over twelve years. They tied the knot under the traditional rituals on 24th January 2022. It has been a beautiful journey for these two soulmates, who have been growing through discovering and bringing out the best in each other.
A Decade of Unconditional Love
While having a crush or even falling in deep love may be easy, leaping into the next phase and making a promise to hold on forever can give you a sweating forehead! Our cute client Palak went through the intense butterflies-in-the-gut phase when Mithilesh proposed to her for the first time in 2009- and she said No!

Now this may sound like a script from a romantic Yashraj movie, but it is for real- our hero Mithilesh spent ten years in unconditional love with Palak- finally winning her heart with his third proposal in 2021- yes- this time, our gorgeous lady agreed to walk the aisle!
Are we done with this cute story? Not yet- the fun has just begun!
The Wedding Diaries
In the blissful realm of greenery, surrounded by the prettiest blooms and soothingly neutral aesthetics, she twirled gracefully in a classic bridal lehenga – Palak’s wedding visions were always vivid.

Planning your dream wedding is a beautiful experience, and it’s better when you have real love standing by your side! Hence the chase began, Mithilesh & Palak bringing the best to the event with days of research and choices!

So, was it easy to choose the best? No- says Palak, who explored multiple sources for everything, including her ceremonial outfit. Walking into the Asopalav store gave her the bridal wardrobe she desired while sorting the attire for the entire family, including a well-coordinated royal look for Mithilesh.

Palak opted for a red and pink embellished lehenga as a fitting choice against the green and neutral backdrop for the Mandap. Mithilesh channeled the red palette with a designer stole complementing his ivory-white sherwani. With choicest attire and happiest faces, their wedding pictures are a treat to watch, aren’t they?
Feeling nostalgic about every ritual, especially the pheras, Palak holds the ceremony as the most beautiful moment of her life. After all, making a new start with your loved one is always worth cherishing!